Register for our Courses

NRA Basic Pistol

The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting is intended for all individuals regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA-affiliation.

Course topics include: gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, ammunition knowledge and selection, pistol selection and storage, shooting fundamentals, pistol inspection and maintenance, marksmanship, and shooting range safety.

Additionally, students will complete live fire training and a nationally standardized shooting qualification while on the range with an NRA Certified Instructor.

Students will receive the NRA Guide: Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook, take a Basics of Pistol Shooting Student Examination and receive a course completion certificate bearing the signature of the NRA Secretary and your NRA Certified Instructor.

3-Part Pistol Series

Part 1 covers the parts of a gun, proper grip, and a basic stance to support you;

Part 2 includes a review of Part 1 and Administrative Reloads, Speed Reloads and Tactical Reloads;

Part 3 includes review of Pistol 1 & Pistol 2; Class 1, 2 and 3 Malfunctions, and drills on Marksmanship Accuracy vs. Defensive Combat Accuracy.

$80 per part

NRA Basic Rifle

This course is at least 8 hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot rifles.

Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; rifle parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest, prone, sitting, standing and kneeling positions; cleaning; and continued opportunities for skill development.

Students will receive the Basics of Rifle Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a Basics of Rifle Shooting Student Examination, and receive a course completion certificate.

NRA Personal Protection In The Home

Prerequisite: This course is for law-abiding adult citizens, as defined by applicable federal, state or local law, and experienced shooters (shooters able to show mastery of the basic skills of safe gun handling, shooting a group, zeroing the firearm, and cleaning the firearm). Prospective participants can demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes by producing an NRA Basic Pistol Course Certificate, NRA FIRST Steps Course Certificate, NRA pistol competitive shooting qualification card, military DD 214 with pistol qualification, or passing the Pre-Course Assessment.

Description: This is an eight-hour course. Students should expect to shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition.

Students will learn basic defensive shooting skills; strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation; firearms and the law; how to choose a handgun for self-defense; and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection In The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, and course completion certificate.

Idaho Enhanced Concealed Weapons License (ECWL)

This 8-hour class is a comprehensive training course designed to educate individuals on the laws and regulations surrounding the carrying of concealed firearms, taught by an Idaho Licensed Attorney, and essential topics such as the use of force, firearms safety, and the proper handling and storage of firearms.

The classroom portion of the class is followed by a live fire range session where students should expect to fire approximately 100 rounds of ammunition. Students will shoot from the holster, practice pistol malfunction recovery, shoot from cover/concealment and move and shoot.


All classroom portions will be conducted in Eagle and range sessions at a local indoor or outdoor range. Class sizes are limited to 6 students to ensure the best experience. Please email or call with any questions you may have.

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